Calling out prejudice sayings

Prejudice sayings are harmful and perpetuate harmful stereotypes and discrimination. It is important to challenge and call out prejudice whenever we encounter it. Some examples of prejudice sayings that should be called out include:

- "All [insert group] are lazy/dishonest/untrustworthy."

- "You're pretty smart for a [insert group]."

- "I'm not racist, but..."

- "She's too emotional to be a good leader."

- "He's just a thug because of his race."

- "You're too old to understand technology."

- "You're too young to have a valid opinion."

- "They're all the same."

- "You're too [insert characteristic] to do that."

It is important to speak up and challenge these types of statements to promote equality, understanding, and respect for all individuals.

Above is Calling out prejudice sayings.

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