God knows quotes and sayings

Here are some quotes and sayings about God knowing everything:

1. "God knows our thoughts before we think them, our words before we speak them, and our actions before we do them." - Unknown

2. "God knows what is in your heart, and He knows what is best for you." - Unknown

3. "God's knowledge is infinite, and His wisdom is beyond our understanding." - Unknown

4. "God knows the desires of your heart, and He will fulfill them in His perfect timing." - Unknown

5. "Trust in God's plan, for He knows what is best for you even when you do not understand." - Unknown

6. "God's knowledge is like a vast ocean, deep and unending. Trust in His wisdom and guidance." - Unknown

7. "God knows the struggles you are facing, and He will give you the strength to overcome them." - Unknown

8. "God's knowledge is a comforting presence, always watching over us and guiding us on our journey." - Unknown

9. "God knows the path ahead of you, trust in His guidance and follow where He leads." - Unknown

10. "God's knowledge is a source of comfort and peace, knowing that He is always with us, watching over us." - Unknown

Above is God knows quotes and sayings.

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