Cambodian tattoo sayings

Here are some common Cambodian tattoo sayings that you may consider for your tattoo:

1. ជាងគេបង្កងទៅ (Jeang kae bong kong tae) - "Stronger than ever"

2. បង្កងទៅមិនអាចបំផ្លិត (Bong kong tae min aht bompliet) - "Never give up"

3. ស្រស់ស្រាយស្រស់ជាងគេ (Srasai sraay srasai jeang kae) - "Simple is better"

4. អូនជាងគេបង្កងទៅ (Aun jeang kae bong kong tae) - "I am stronger than ever"

5. ស្រស់ស្រាយមិនអាចបំផ្លិត (Srasai sraay min aht bompliet) - "Simplicity cannot be defeated"

These sayings can be translated into Khmer script for your tattoo design. Make sure to consult with a professional tattoo artist who is familiar with Khmer script to ensure the accuracy and proper placement of the tattoo.

Above is Cambodian tattoo sayings.

Mom to son sayings

1. Always remember that I love you more than anything in this world.2. You are my pride and joy, and I am so proud of the person you are becoming.3. No matter how old you get, you will always be my little boy.4. I believe in you and know that you can achieve anything you set your mind to.5.

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