Can a mab's yorkshire sayings

Sure, here are some Yorkshire sayings that a Yorkshireman might use:

1. "By 'eck!" - An expression of surprise or disbelief.

2. "Ey up!" - A greeting similar to "hello."

3. "Now then, lass/lassie" - A friendly way to address a girl or young woman.

4. "Tha's a reet grand lad" - A compliment meaning "you're a really great guy."

5. "It's reet champion" - It's really good or excellent.

6. "Put wood in't hole" - Close the door.

7. "I'll go to foot of our stairs" - An expression of surprise or disbelief.

8. "Owt for nowt" - Nothing is free.

9. "Where there's muck, there's brass" - Where there's dirt or mess, there's money to be made.

10. "It's like t'back end of a bus" - It's a mess or chaotic situation.

These are just a few examples of Yorkshire sayings that a Yorkshireman might use in everyday conversation.

Above is Can a mab's yorkshire sayings.

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