Card sayings with owls

1. "Owl always love you."

2. "Owl be yours forever."

3. "Whoo loves you? I do!"

4. "Owl you need is love."

5. "You're a hoot to be around!"

6. "Owl miss you when you're not here."

7. "You're a wise old owl."

8. "Owl be thinking of you."

9. "You're a real night owl."

10. "Sending you owl my love."

Above is Card sayings with owls.

Snobby wine quotes and sayings

1. I only drink wine on days that end in 'y'.2. I'm not a wine snob, I'm a wine enthusiast.3. I drink wine because I'm fancy, not because I'm thirsty.4. Wine is like liquid poetry for the soul.5. I don't always drink wine, but when I do, it's the finest vintage.6. Wine is the only artwork

Gaelic farewell sayings

1. Slán leat - Goodbye (to one person)2. Slán agat - Goodbye (in response to one person)3. Slán go fóill - Goodbye for now4. Go n-éirí an bóthar leat - May the road rise with you5. Beannacht leat - Blessings with you6. Go raibh maith agat - Thank you (literally may you have goodness)7. Beidh mé ar

Si sayings

1. If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.2. If you can dream it, you can do it.3. If opportunity doesn't knock, build a door.4. If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude.5. If you believe in yourself, anything is poss

Finnish sayings about home

1. Koti on siellä missä sydän on. (Home is where the heart is.)2. Koti on linnasi. (Home is your castle.)3. Koti on paikka, jossa voit olla oma itsesi. (Home is a place where you can be yourself.)4. Kotiin päin on aina lyhyin matka. (The shortest way is always towards home.)5. Kotiin kun kä

Baba vanga sayings

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Funny punting sayings

1. I'm not a punting expert, but I can kick some grass!2. Puntastic moves coming your way!3. I'm punting my way to victory, one kick at a time!4. Punt, set, spike! Oh wait, wrong sport...5. Punt-astic job, if I do say so myself!6. Punting: the art of kicking grass and taking names.7. I'

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Funny fight quotes and sayings

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Jaguar animal sayings

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Cute sayings about people that like walking

1. She walks with purpose and grace, like she's dancing with the earth.2. He's a wanderer at heart, always finding beauty in the journey.3. She walks with the wind in her hair and the sun on her face, a true free spirit.4. He's a soulful walker, finding peace and clarity with each step.5. S