Carribbean sayings

1. "Every hoe has its stick to beat it with." - This saying means that everyone has their own problems or challenges to deal with.

2. "One, one coco full basket." - This saying emphasizes the importance of patience and perseverance in achieving goals, as every small step contributes to the overall success.

3. "Don't throw stones at a mango tree if you are not prepared to catch the fruit." - This saying advises against criticizing or interfering in a situation if you are not willing to deal with the consequences.

4. "Monkey know which tree to climb." - This saying highlights the importance of knowing one's strengths and abilities in order to succeed.

5. "When fish come out of river bottom, he know why." - This saying suggests that there is always a reason behind someone's actions or decisions.

6. "What sweet nanny goat a go run him belly." - This saying warns against indulging in things that may seem pleasurable but could have negative consequences in the long run.

7. "If you want good, your nose got to run." - This saying implies that hard work and effort are necessary to achieve success or desired outcomes.

8. "When one door closes, another one opens." - This saying emphasizes the idea of optimism and looking for new opportunities when faced with challenges or setbacks.

Above is Carribbean sayings.

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