Carrom sayings

1. "Strive for precision, aim for perfection."

2. "Every strike counts, make them all count."

3. "The carrom board is your canvas, let your fingers be the brush."

4. "In carrom, as in life, strategy is key."

5. "Smooth shots, steady hands, victorious outcomes."

6. "Play with passion, win with grace."

7. "In the game of carrom, every shot is a chance to shine."

8. "Let the carrom coins be your allies in the battle of skill and strategy."

9. "The true beauty of carrom lies in the simplicity of its rules and the complexity of its gameplay."

10. "Success in carrom is not just about skill, but also about mental strength and focus."

Above is Carrom sayings.

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1. Evil doers never prosper in the end.2. The wicked may flourish for a time, but their downfall is inevitable.3. Evil deeds breed their own destruction.4. The path of the evil doer is paved with deceit and treachery.5. Evil doers may escape justice for a while, but their conscience will al

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Popular ghetto sayings

1. Don't hate the player, hate the game.2. It's all good in the hood.3. Keep it real.4. Stay woke.5. Ain't nobody got time for that.6. Get your hustle on.7. I'm just trying to get mine.8. By any means necessary.9. I got your back.10. It's all about that paper.