Catchy sayings about being.closed on christmas

1. "Closed for Christmas cheer, see you next year!"

2. "Taking a break to deck the halls, closed for Christmas calls."

3. "Christmas magic in the air, our doors closed with care."

4. "Gone sleighing, closed for Christmas Day."

5. "Closed for the jingle bells, see you after the holiday swells."

6. "Wishing you a merry Christmas, we'll be closed for business."

7. "Ho ho ho, we're closed for the snow!"

8. "Tis the season to be closed, Merry Christmas to all!"

9. "Closed for the mistletoe, see you when the snow starts to glow."

10. "Wrapping up the holiday cheer, closed for Christmas, see you next year!"

Above is Catchy sayings about being.closed on christmas.

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