Catchy sayings for 2023

1. "Embrace the unknown and watch the magic unfold."

2. "In a world full of trends, be a classic."

3. "Dream big, work hard, stay focused."

4. "Life is short, make it sweet."

5. "Be the energy you want to attract."

6. "Success is not the key to happiness, happiness is the key to success."

7. "Let your light shine bright in 2023."

8. "Chase your dreams, not perfection."

9. "Every day is a fresh start, make it count."

10. "Be fearless in the pursuit of what sets your soul on fire."

Above is Catchy sayings for 2023.

Coastal sayings

1. Life's a beach.2. Seas the day.3. Let the waves carry you away.4. Sandy toes, sun-kissed nose.5. Shell yeah!6. Mermaid kisses and starfish wishes.7. Salt in the air, sand in my hair.8. High tides and good vibes.9. Catch you on the flip side.10. The ocean is calling and I must g

Butter is getting cheap irish sayings

Sure, butter wouldn't melt in his mouth.

Nice christms sayings

1. Christmas is not a time nor a season, but a state of mind. To cherish peace and goodwill, to be plenteous in mercy, is to have the real spirit of Christmas. - Calvin Coolidge2. Christmas waves a magic wand over this world, and behold, everything is softer and more beautiful. - Norman Vincent

Proverbs and sayings about family

1. Family is not an important thing, it's everything. - Michael J. Fox2. A happy family is but an earlier heaven. - George Bernard Shaw3. Family is like branches on a tree, we all grow in different directions yet our roots remain as one. - Unknown4. In family life, love is the oil that eases

Animal sayings teavelling in a straight line

Like a bat out of hell

Betty white sayings and quotes

1. Why do people say 'grow some balls'? Balls are weak and sensitive. If you wanna be tough, grow a vagina. Those things can take a pounding.2. I have no regrets at all. None. I consider myself to be the luckiest old broad on two feet.3. You're never too old for anything.4. I just make it my

Cute donut sayings for teachers

1. Donut know what we'd do without you, teacher!2. You're the sprinkles to our donut, teacher!3. Thanks for helping us glaze through the tough stuff, teacher!4. Donut underestimate the impact you have on us, teacher!5. You're the jelly to our donut, teacher - sweet and essential!6. Donut

Funny typical italian sayings

1. Chi dorme non piglia pesci - He who sleeps doesn't catch fish (meaning you have to be active to achieve your goals)2. Meglio un giorno da leone che cento da pecora - Better one day as a lion than a hundred as a sheep (encouraging bravery and courage)3. Tra il dire e il fare c'è di mezzo

Sayings about working as a team

1. Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much. - Helen Keller2. Teamwork makes the dream work.3. Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success. - Henry Ford4. Individually, we are one drop. Together, we are an ocean. - Ryunosuke Satoro5.

December quotes sayings

1. December, being the last month of the year, cannot help but make us think of what is to come. - Fennel Hudson2. December's wintery breath is already clouding the pond, frosting the pane, obscuring summer's memory. - John Geddes3. December is full of the beauty of light and love we can bring