Chanakyas sayings about brother and wife

Chanakya, the ancient Indian philosopher and economist, had several sayings about the relationships between brothers and wives. Here are a few of his notable quotes on these topics:

1. "A brother is a friend given by nature."

2. "A wife is a reflection of her husband's thoughts, feelings, and actions."

3. "A brother is like a shield in times of trouble, and a wife is like a soothing balm for the soul."

4. "A brother's love is unconditional, while a wife's love is a reflection of how she is treated."

5. "A brother and a wife should be treated with respect and kindness, for they are the pillars of a man's life."

These sayings highlight the importance of the relationships with brothers and wives in one's life, emphasizing the need for love, respect, and understanding in these relationships.

Above is Chanakyas sayings about brother and wife.

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