Chavacano sayings
Here are some common Chavacano sayings:
1. "Mas vale prevenir que curar." - It's better to prevent than to cure.
2. "El que mucho abla, poco tiene." - The one who talks a lot, has little.
3. "Na cayaman el amor, pero mas cayaman el amistad." - Love is rich, but friendship is richer.
4. "Quien mucho come, mucho caga." - The one who eats a lot, poops a lot.
5. "El que se va sin que lo echen, vuelve sin que lo llamen." - The one who leaves without being kicked out, returns without being called.
6. "A cada chancho le llega su San Martín." - Every pig has its St. Martin (meaning everyone gets what they deserve).
7. "No hay mal que por bien no venga." - There is no bad from which good does not come.
8. "En boca cerrada no entran moscas." - In a closed mouth, flies do not enter (meaning it's better to keep quiet).
9. "A quien madruga, Dios le ayuda." - God helps those who wake up early.
10. "El que no llora, no mama." - The one who doesn't cry, doesn't get milk (meaning you have to ask for what you want).
Above is Chavacano sayings.