Every time u sneeze sayings

1. "Bless me!"

2. "Excuse me!"

3. "Achoo!"

4. "Pardon me!"

5. "Oops, excuse me!"

6. "Sorry about that!"

7. "Ah-choo!"

8. "Cover your mouth!"

9. "Gesundheit!"

10. "Well, that was unexpected!"

Above is Every time u sneeze sayings.

Hindi words and funny sayings

1. Jab tak rahega samose mein aloo, tab tak rahega Bihar mein Lalu (As long as there is potato in the samosa, Lalu will remain in Bihar)2. Aaj kal ki generation ke liye, 'K' matlab 'OK' nahi, 'K' matlab 'Kya'! (For today's generation, 'K' doesn't mean 'OK', it means 'What!')3. Jab dost fail ho

Love dancing quotes sayings

1. Dance is the hidden language of the soul. - Martha Graham2. To dance is to be out of yourself. Larger, more beautiful, more powerful. - Agnes De Mille3. Dance like no one is watching. - Unknown4. Life is the dancer and you are the dance. - Eckhart Tolle5. Dance is the joy of movement and

Short horse sayings

1. Hold your horses.2. Straight from the horse's mouth.3. Don't look a gift horse in the mouth.4. Eat like a horse.5. A horse of a different color.6. Get back on the horse.7. Stubborn as a mule.8. Wild horses couldn't drag me away.9. Don't put the cart before the horse.10. You can

Religious sayings crossword

1. God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble - Psalm 46:12. Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding - Proverbs 3:53. The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want - Psalm 23:14. For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son,

It takes one to know one simliar sayings

One similar saying to it takes one to know one is birds of a feather flock together. Both expressions suggest that people tend to associate with others who are similar to themselves.

Love island 2021 sayings

1. I've got a text! - When the islanders receive a message on their phones2. It is what it is - A phrase used to accept a situation or outcome3. I've got a lot of love to give - Expressing readiness to find love on the show4. I'm loyal, babe - Promising faithfulness to a romantic partner5.

Space theme sayings

1. Reach for the stars.2. Explore the unknown.3. Shoot for the moon.4. Lost in space, found in wonder.5. In a galaxy far, far away.6. Embrace the cosmic journey.7. Dare to dream beyond the stars.8. Infinite possibilities await.9. Let your imagination soar into space.10. We are all

Presidents day quotes and sayings

1. In the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years. - Abraham Lincoln2. The best way to predict your future is to create it. - Abraham Lincoln3. Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future. - John

Creepy halloween tombstone sayings

1. Here lies the restless spirit, forever wandering in the shadows.2. In this grave, lies a soul consumed by darkness and despair.3. Beware, for the dead do not rest easy in this cursed ground.4. Here lies a forgotten soul, doomed to haunt the living for eternity.5. May the spirits of the n

Japanese sayings about home

1. 家は心の宿る場所 (Ie wa kokoro no yadoru basho) - Home is where the heart resides.2. 家は最高の安らぎの場所 (Ie wa saikou no yasuragi no basho) - Home is the best place for peace and tranquility.3. 家は愛と幸せの源 (Ie wa ai to shiawase no minamoto) - Home is the source of love and happiness.4. 家は人生の舞台 (Ie wa