Cheeky british sayings

1. "Bob's your uncle!"

2. "It's all gone pear-shaped."

3. "Taking the mickey."

4. "Don't get your knickers in a twist."

5. "Having a chinwag."

6. "It's like chalk and cheese."

7. "A storm in a teacup."

8. "On your bike!"

9. "Ticking all the boxes."

10. "As useful as a chocolate teapot."

Above is Cheeky british sayings.

Benjamin franklin journal writing sayings reminders

Benjamin Franklin was known for his prolific writing and journaling. Here are some of his famous sayings and reminders that he may have written in his journals:1. Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.2. Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me

Funny kansas sayings

1. You can take the girl out of Kansas, but you can't take the Kansas out of the girl.2. In Kansas, we don't just have tornadoes, we have 'windy surprises.'3. If you don't like the weather in Kansas, just wait five minutes.4. Kansas: where the sunflowers are taller than the corn and the wind

Funny christmas card sayings for mom

1. Mom, you're the star on top of our Christmas tree - a little crooked, but always shining bright!2. Wishing you a Christmas as fabulous as you are, Mom - full of love, laughter, and lots of cookies!3. Mom, you're the reason our Christmas is merry and bright - and the reason we still believe i

Amore tattoo sayings

1. Amore mio (My love)2. Vita mia, amore mio (My life, my love)3. Innamorato/a per sempre (In love forever)4. Amore eterno (Eternal love)5. Cuore mio (My heart)6. Amore senza fine (Love without end)7. Ti amo per sempre (I love you forever)8. Amore vero (True love)9. Il mio amore uni

Hiram abiff sayings

Hiram Abiff is a central figure in Masonic tradition, particularly in the story of the building of King Solomon's Temple. While there are no specific sayings attributed to Hiram Abiff himself, there are several key principles and lessons that are associated with his character in Masonic teachings. T

Sayings about la

1. Laughter is the sun that drives winter from the human face. - Victor Hugo2. Live, love, laugh - the three L's of life. 3. In the sweetness of friendship let there be laughter, and sharing of pleasures. - Khalil Gibran4. A day without laughter is a day wasted. - Charlie Chaplin5. Laughter

Barking dog sayings

1. Barking dogs seldom bite.2. Let sleeping dogs lie.3. Every dog has its day.4. You can't teach an old dog new tricks.5. A barking dog never bites.6. A dog is a man's best friend.7. In the doghouse.8. Barking up the wrong tree.9. Love me, love my dog.10. The tail wagging the dog.

Cute short sayings about friends

1. Good friends are like stars, you don't always see them but you know they're always there.2. Friends are the family we choose for ourselves.3. A true friend is the greatest of all blessings.4. Friends make the good times better and the hard times easier.5. In the cookie of life, friends a

Hindi sayings for kids

1. जैसा करोगे वैसा भरोगे। (As you sow, so shall you reap.)2. अंधों में काना राजा। (In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.)3. दूर के ढोल सुहावने। (The grass is always greener on the other side.)4. अपना भला सबके लिए। (What is good for you is good for everyone.)5. जब जागो तब सवेरा। (It's n

Famous frank spencer sayings

Frank Spencer is a fictional character from the British sitcom Some Mothers Do 'Ave 'Em, portrayed by actor Michael Crawford. Some famous Frank Spencer sayings from the show include:1. Ooh, Betty!2. The cat's done a whoopsie on the carpet!3. I don't believe it!4. I'm only trying to help!5.