Chessy sayings

1. "Checkmate is just a fancy way of saying 'game over.'"

2. "In chess, as in life, the queen is the most powerful piece."

3. "A bad plan is better than no plan at all in chess."

4. "Every move in chess is a decision, just like in life."

5. "In chess, as in life, sometimes you have to sacrifice to win."

6. "Chess is a game of strategy and patience, just like life."

7. "In chess, as in life, it's important to think ahead and anticipate your opponent's moves."

8. "A pawn can become a queen if it makes it to the other side of the board - never underestimate the underdog."

9. "Chess is a game of endless possibilities, just like life."

10. "In chess, as in life, every move counts."

Above is Chessy sayings.

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