Chicano quotes sayings

Here are some Chicano quotes and sayings:

1. "We didn't cross the border, the border crossed us." - Unknown

2. "I am my father's dream, my mother's prayer, and the hope of the future." - Unknown

3. "Chicano is a state of mind, not a nationality." - Ruben Salazar

4. "We are not a minority, we are a majority in the world." - Cesar Chavez

5. "We have to keep our dreams alive. We have to keep believing in ourselves." - Dolores Huerta

6. "The past is our heritage, the present is our responsibility, and the future is our challenge." - Unknown

7. "We are not a perfect people, but we are a proud people." - Cesar Chavez

8. "Our roots are deep, our culture is strong, and our spirit is unbreakable." - Unknown

9. "I am the blood of the conquerors and the conquered, I am the spirit of my ancestors." - Unknown

10. "Chicano pride is not about hating others, it's about loving ourselves." - Unknown

Above is Chicano quotes sayings.

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