Chickasaw sayings

Here are a few Chickasaw sayings:

1. "Chikashsha poya hoke" - "Chickasaw pride never dies"

2. "Anompa ishkitini" - "Water is life"

3. "Chikashsha hattak poya" - "Chickasaw strength endures"

4. "Chikashsha chito" - "Chickasaw warrior"

5. "Anompa ishkitini, chikashsha hattak poya" - "Water is life, Chickasaw strength endures"

Above is Chickasaw sayings.

How to quote sayings in apa

In APA style, when quoting sayings or proverbs, you should follow the general guidelines for quoting sources. Here's how you can quote a saying in APA format:1. Use double quotation marks ( ) to indicate the beginning and end of the saying.2. Include the author's name, if known, and the year of pu

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