Chinese nail salon sayings

1. "美丽从指尖开始" (Měilì cóng zhǐjiān kāishǐ) - Beauty starts from the fingertips

2. "指尖上的艺术" (Zhǐjiān shàng de yìshù) - Art on the fingertips

3. "指尖上的时尚" (Zhǐjiān shàng de shíshàng) - Fashion on the fingertips

4. "美甲点亮生活" (Měijiǎ diǎn liàng shēnghuó) - Nail art brightens life

5. "指尖的魅力" (Zhǐjiān de mèilì) - The charm of the fingertips

6. "美丽不止一种颜色" (Měilì bùzhǐ yīzhǒng yánsè) - Beauty comes in many colors

7. "指尖上的小幸福" (Zhǐjiān shàng de xiǎo xìngfú) - Small happiness on the fingertips

8. "用心打造完美指尖" (Yòng xīn dǎzào wánměi zhǐjiān) - Create perfect fingertips with care

Above is Chinese nail salon sayings.

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