Chinese new hear sayings

1. 恭喜发财 (gōng xǐ fā cái) - Wishing you prosperity and wealth

2. 新年快乐 (xīn nián kuài lè) - Happy New Year

3. 萬事如意 (wàn shì rú yì) - May all your wishes come true

4. 吉祥如意 (jí xiáng rú yì) - Good luck and happiness

5. 心想事成 (xīn xiǎng shì chéng) - May all your wishes come true

6. 步步高升 (bù bù gāo shēng) - May you rise step by step

7. 事业有成 (shì yè yǒu chéng) - May your career be successful

8. 身体健康 (shēn tǐ jiàn kāng) - Wishing you good health

9. 和气生财 (hé qì shēng cái) - Harmony brings wealth

10. 一帆风顺 (yī fān fēng shùn) - Smooth sailing

Above is Chinese new hear sayings.

Farmer t shirts sayings

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