Chinese sayings about honesty

1. "诚实是人类最好的品质。" (Chéngshí shì rénlèi zuì hǎo de pǐnzhí) - Honesty is the best quality of a human being.

2. "言而有信,行而有果。" (Yán ér yǒu xìn, xíng ér yǒu guǒ) - Keep your promises and fulfill your commitments.

3. "诚实守信,天下无敌。" (Chéngshí shǒu xìn, tiānxià wúdí) - Honesty and integrity make one invincible.

4. "宁可正直而无名,不可邪僻而有誉。" (Nìngkě zhèngzhí ér wúmíng, bùkě xiépì ér yǒu yù) - It is better to be honest and unknown, than to be deceitful and have a reputation.

5. "言必信,行必果。" (Yán bì xìn, xíng bì guǒ) - Keep your word and fulfill your actions.

6. "诚实是最好的政策。" (Chéngshí shì zuì hǎo de zhèngcè) - Honesty is the best policy.

7. "诚实者,人之本也。" (Chéngshí zhě, rén zhī běn yě) - Honesty is the foundation of a person.

Above is Chinese sayings about honesty.

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