Chinese year of the tiger sayings

Here are some popular Chinese sayings related to the Year of the Tiger:

1. 虎年吉祥 (Hǔ nián jíxiáng) - May the Year of the Tiger bring good luck.

2. 虎虎生威 (Hǔ hǔ shēng wēi) - The tiger shows its might.

3. 虎落平阳被犬欺 (Hǔ luò píng yáng bèi quǎn qī) - When the tiger falls from the mountain, it is bullied by dogs.

4. 虎父无犬子 (Hǔ fù wú quǎn zǐ) - A tiger does not beget a dog; like father, like son.

5. 虎啸风生 (Hǔ xiào fēng shēng) - The tiger roars, the wind rises; a sign of power and strength.

These sayings reflect the characteristics of the tiger in Chinese culture, such as strength, power, and courage.

Above is Chinese year of the tiger sayings.

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