Christian sayings for meals

1. "Bless this food, O Lord, and bless those who prepared it."

2. "Give us grateful hearts, O Lord, for all your blessings, especially this meal before us."

3. "May the nourishment of this food strengthen our bodies and refresh our souls."

4. "As we gather around this table, may we be filled with gratitude for your provision, O Lord."

5. "Thank you, Lord, for this food, for those who prepared it, and for those with whom we share it."

6. "May this meal be a reminder of your abundant grace and provision, O Lord."

7. "Bless the hands that prepared this food, and bless us as we partake of it."

8. "Let us break bread together in thanksgiving for your goodness, O Lord."

9. "May the love of Christ fill our hearts as we share this meal together."

10. "As we eat and drink, may we be reminded of the ultimate feast awaiting us in your heavenly kingdom, O Lord."

Above is Christian sayings for meals.

Sayings to put on boards

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