Christmas card sayings after death

1. "Though you are no longer with us, your spirit lives on in our hearts this Christmas."

2. "Remembering you with love and gratitude this holiday season."

3. "Your presence may be missed, but your memory is cherished during this special time of year."

4. "In our thoughts and prayers this Christmas, we hold you close in our hearts."

5. "Even though you are no longer here, your love continues to shine brightly in our lives."

6. "Wishing you peace and comfort this Christmas, knowing you are watching over us."

7. "Your absence is felt deeply, but your spirit remains a part of our holiday celebrations."

8. "May the joy and love you brought to our lives continue to be felt this Christmas."

9. "Though you are gone, your legacy of love and kindness lives on in the memories we share."

10. "Thinking of you with love and gratitude this Christmas, and forevermore."

Above is Christmas card sayings after death.

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