Christmas dog sayings for cards

1. "Wishing you a pawsitively merry Christmas!"

2. "May your Christmas be filled with wagging tails and wet noses."

3. "Sending you warm holiday wishes from our furry friend."

4. "Furry Christmas to you and your four-legged family members!"

5. "May your Christmas be filled with treats, toys, and tail wags."

6. "Bark the herald angels sing, glory to the new-born king!"

7. "Wishing you a howling good Christmas and a yappy New Year!"

8. "May your Christmas be as joyful as a dog with a new squeaky toy."

9. "From our pack to yours, Merry Christmas and Happy Howlidays!"

10. "May your Christmas be filled with love, joy, and lots of slobbery kisses."

Above is Christmas dog sayings for cards.

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