Sarcastic sayings about being ignored

1. "Oh, sorry, I didn't realize my existence was optional."

2. "I must have missed the memo that said being ignored is the new trend."

3. "I love being treated like a ghost, it really boosts my self-esteem."

4. "I'm starting to think my superpower is being invisible to everyone."

5. "Being ignored is my favorite form of communication, really keeps things interesting."

6. "If being ignored was an Olympic sport, I'd definitely win the gold medal."

7. "I'm like a tree falling in the forest, except no one is around to hear me."

8. "I guess I'll just sit here and twiddle my thumbs while everyone pretends I don't exist."

9. "I'm so good at being ignored, I should put it on my resume."

10. "I love being ignored so much, I think I'll make it my life's mission to perfect it."

Above is Sarcastic sayings about being ignored.

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