Christmas sayings funny doors

1. "Santa, please stop here! My doorbell is broken."

2. "Dear Santa, define 'nice'... Love, the naughty neighbor next door."

3. "Don't get your tinsel in a tangle, just knock and come on in!"

4. "This door is like Santa's workshop - it's always open!"

5. "Welcome to our winter wonderland, where the only ice is in our drinks."

6. "Knock if you're naughty, ring the bell if you're nice."

7. "Come on in, we're full of Christmas cheer... and cookies!"

8. "If you can read this, you're standing too close to our mistletoe."

9. "This door is like a Christmas present - you never know what's on the other side!"

10. "Ring the bell and jingle all the way inside!"

Above is Christmas sayings funny doors.

Closed doors quotes and sayings

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