Church signs first day of school sayings

1. "God's got your back, have a great first day of school!"

2. "Start your day with prayer, end it with gratitude. Have a blessed first day of school!"

3. "May your backpack be light and your heart be full. Happy first day of school!"

4. "God's plan is bigger than any test or assignment. Trust in Him on your first day of school!"

5. "You are fearfully and wonderfully made. Shine bright on your first day of school!"

6. "God's love is the ultimate school supply. Have a fantastic first day!"

7. "As you start this new chapter, remember that God is always with you. Have a blessed first day of school!"

8. "Let your light shine in the halls of learning. Have a successful first day of school!"

9. "May your day be filled with knowledge, kindness, and joy. Happy first day of school!"

10. "God's grace is your compass, navigate your first day of school with confidence!"

Above is Church signs first day of school sayings.

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