Classic arnie sayings

1. "I'll be back."

2. "Hasta la vista, baby."

3. "Get to the chopper!"

4. "Consider that a divorce."

5. "I'm a cybernetic organism, living tissue over metal endoskeleton."

6. "Come with me if you want to live."

7. "It's not a tumor!"

8. "I need your clothes, your boots, and your motorcycle."

9. "You're a funny guy, Sully, I like you. That's why I'm going to kill you last."

10. "I eat green berets for breakfast."

Above is Classic arnie sayings.

Chuvash sayings

Here are a few Chuvash sayings:1. Пăр чĕнĕ канăш чĕнĕ. (Par chenĕ kanăsh chenĕ) - Every cloud has a silver lining.2. Атĕм чăнчĕн кăнчăн. (Atem chanchen kanchan) - A friend in need is a friend indeed.3. Пурнăç пурнăçăн пурнăç. (Purnach purnachan purnach) - Little by little, a little become

Best friend sayings for humans

1. A friend is one who knows all about you and still loves you.2. Friends are the family we choose for ourselves.3. Good friends are like stars, you don't always see them but you know they're always there.4. A true friend is the greatest of all blessings.5. In the cookie of life, friends ar

America sayings quotes

1. In America, anyone can become president. That's the problem. - George Carlin2. America is a tune. It must be sung together. - Gerald Stanley Lee3. America was not built on fear. America was built on courage, on imagination, and an unbeatable determination to do the job at hand. - Harry S. T

Craftsman quotes and sayings

1. Quality is never an accident; it is always the result of intelligent effort. - John Ruskin2. The true work of art is but a shadow of the divine perfection. - Michelangelo3. The artist is nothing without the gift, but the gift is nothing without work. - Emile Zola4. Craftsmanship isn't like

Sayings for wearing back braces

1. Stand tall, even with a little extra support.2. Embrace the brace and keep moving forward.3. Straighten up and show off your strength.4. A little extra support never hurt anyone.5. Back brace on, confidence up.6. Supporting my back, supporting my future.7. Bracing for a better postur

Clever social distancing sayings

1. Stay back, I'm a pro at personal space.2. I'm keeping my distance, not my sense of humor.3. Socially distant but emotionally close.4. I'm practicing the art of the six-foot hello.5. Spread love, not germs - from a safe distance.6. I'm a master at the dance of the distant hello.7. Kee

Dirt racing sayings and quotes

1. When in doubt, throttle out.2. Rubbin' is racin'.3. Dirt track racing: where the competition is fierce and the mud flies high.4. It's not about the car you drive, but the driver behind the wheel.5. In dirt racing, you have to be comfortable being uncomfortable.6. The dirt doesn't lie,

Arabic sayings about health

1. الصحة تاج على رؤوس الأصحاءTranslation: Health is a crown on the heads of the healthy.2. الصحة أغلى ما يملكه الإنسانTranslation: Health is the most valuable possession a person can have.3. الصحة تاج لا يراه إلا المريضTranslation: Health is a crown that only the sick can see.4. الصحة هي الثروة الحق

Four mothets sayings

1. A mother's love is unconditional and everlasting.2. A mother's work is never done.3. A mother knows best.4. A mother's hug can heal any pain.

Cat eyes sayings

1. Eyes like a cat in the dark. - Unknown2. Eyes that gleam like a cat in the night. - Unknown3. Eyes that see through the darkness like a cat. - Unknown4. Cat eyes that hold secrets untold. - Unknown5. Eyes that watch you like a cat stalking its prey. - Unknown6. Cat eyes that see everyt