Clean hands sayings poems

Here are a few sayings and poems about clean hands:

1. "Clean hands, clear conscience."

2. "Wash your hands, stay healthy and wise."

3. "Clean hands, pure heart."

4. "Hands that are clean can do great things."

5. "A little soap and water can go a long way in keeping germs at bay."

6. "In the palm of your hand, lies the power to keep yourself and others safe."

7. "Clean hands are a reflection of a disciplined mind."

8. "Let your hands be a symbol of your commitment to cleanliness and health."

9. "Dirty hands can't build a clean future."

10. "With hands washed clean, we can embrace the world anew."

Remember, keeping your hands clean is not just a matter of hygiene, but also a way to show respect for yourself and others.

Above is Clean hands sayings poems.

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