Clever kitten sayings

1. "I'm not lazy, I'm just on energy-saving mode."

2. "I'm feline fine, thanks for asking."

3. "I'm not bossy, I just have better ideas."

4. "I'm not a regular kitten, I'm a cool kitten."

5. "I'm purr-fectly content with being fabulous."

6. "I'm not a troublemaker, I'm just curious."

7. "I'm not ignoring you, I'm just plotting my next mischief."

8. "I'm not high maintenance, I'm just highly adorable."

9. "I'm not a cat, I'm a purr-sonality."

10. "I'm not a diva, I'm just a kitten with standards."

Above is Clever kitten sayings.

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Dancing love quotes and sayings

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