Cny cantonese sayings

1. "一日三秋" (yat1 jat6 saam1 cau1) - This saying means that a day feels like three autumns, emphasizing the feeling of longing and impatience.

2. "一條繩拉唔直" (yat1 tiu4 sing4 laai1 m4 zik6) - This saying translates to "a rope that cannot be pulled straight," and is used to describe a situation that is difficult to resolve or manage.

3. "食盡鹹濕" (sik6 zeon6 haam4 sap1) - This saying means to experience all the ups and downs in life, including both the good and bad times.

4. "冇骨肉" (mou5 gwat1 juk6) - This saying refers to someone who is heartless or lacks compassion.

5. "食得咸魚抵得渴" (sik6 dak1 haam4 jyu4 dai6 dak1 hot3) - This saying means that sometimes you have to endure hardship in order to achieve a greater reward in the end.

Above is Cny cantonese sayings.

Aggressivity quotes and sayings

1. An eye for an eye will only make the whole world blind. - Mahatma Gandhi2. The best fighter is never angry. - Lao Tzu3. Anger is an acid that can do more harm to the vessel in which it is stored than to anything on which it is poured. - Mark Twain4. The greatest remedy for anger is delay.

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