Colombian sayings patriotism

Here are some Colombian sayings that reflect patriotism:

1. "Colombia es pasión, ¡siente el amor por tu nación!" (Colombia is passion, feel the love for your nation!)

2. "Colombiano de corazón, siempre con la bandera en la mano" (Colombian at heart, always with the flag in hand)

3. "Por Colombia, hasta la vida" (For Colombia, even unto death)

4. "Colombia, tierra querida, patria amada" (Colombia, beloved land, beloved homeland)

5. "En mi sangre corre la tricolor" (The tricolor runs in my blood)

6. "Colombia, cuna de héroes y patriotas" (Colombia, cradle of heroes and patriots)

7. "Con orgullo digo: soy colombiano" (With pride I say: I am Colombian)

8. "Colombia, país de belleza y grandeza, te llevo en el alma" (Colombia, country of beauty and greatness, I carry you in my soul)

Above is Colombian sayings patriotism.

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