Common british welcome sayings

1. "Hello, lovely to see you!"

2. "Welcome, come on in!"

3. "How do you do? Welcome!"

4. "Good to have you here!"

5. "Lovely to have you join us!"

6. "Welcome, make yourself at home!"

7. "Hello there, welcome to our home!"

8. "Welcome, it's a pleasure to meet you!"

9. "Welcome, we're so glad you could make it!"

10. "Hello, welcome to our humble abode!"

Above is Common british welcome sayings.

Sayings for back of business card

1. Your success is our business.2. Building relationships, one card at a time.3. Where quality meets service.4. Making connections that matter.5. Your trusted partner in business.6. Excellence in every detail.7. Turning visions into reality.8. Innovative solutions for your success.9.

Bridge proverbs sayings

1. Don't cross the bridge until you come to it.2. Build bridges, not walls.3. Burning bridges is not a good idea.4. Don't burn your bridges behind you.5. A bridge of silver will bear a man across.6. Bridges are meant to be crossed.7. Don't make a bridge out of me.8. A bridge too far.

Cowgirl sayings

1. Saddle up and let's ride!2. Kick up some dust and show 'em how it's done.3. Ride 'em cowboy, ride 'em high and wild.4. Life's better in the saddle.5. Cowgirl up and take on the world.6. Don't let your spurs rust, keep on moving.7. Hold your horses and stay true to yourself.8. In a

Safe quotes sayings

1. Safety first is safety always. - Charles M. Hayes2. Better safe than sorry.3. Safety doesn't happen by accident.4. Your safety is our priority.5. Safety is a cheap and effective insurance policy.6. Stay safe, stay strong.7. In safety lies strength.8. Safety is not a gadget but a st

Australian funny sayings on xmas cards

1. May your Christmas be as lit as a kangaroo on a hot summer day!2. Wishing you a Christmas as bright as a shrimp on the barbie!3. Hope your Christmas is full of more cheer than a koala in a eucalyptus tree!4. Sending you warm Aussie Christmas vibes, mate!5. May your Christmas be as jolly

Daisy sayings happy daisy quotes

1. Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see the shadow. It's what sunflowers do. - Helen Keller2. Happiness held is the seed; happiness shared is the flower. - John Harrigan3. Every flower is a soul blossoming in nature. - Gerard De Nerval4. In a field of roses, she is a wildflower.

Famous patois sayings

1. No badda - Don't bother or don't worry2. Mi deh yah - I am here or I am present3. Likkle more - See you later or goodbye4. Wah gwaan? - What's going on? or What's up?5. Mi soon come - I will be there soon6. Nuh worry yuhself - Don't worry yourself or don't stress7. One love - A gree

Different sayings for up next

1. Coming up next2. On deck3. In the queue4. Upcoming5. On the horizon6. Up and coming7. Next in line8. On the agenda9. Following shortly10. On the way

Funny french sayings about food

1. Manger comme un cochon - To eat like a pig2. Avoir un appétit d'oiseau - To have a bird's appetite3. Avoir la patate - To have the potato (to be full of energy)4. Mettre du beurre dans les épinards - To put butter in the spinach (to improve one's financial situation)5. Avoir la banane -

Skating quotes and sayings

1. Skateboarding is not a crime. 2. Skateboarding is a way of life. 3. Skateboarding teaches you to pick yourself up and try again. 4. Skateboarding is freedom on four wheels. 5. Skateboarding is not a hobby, it's a passion. 6. Skateboarding is an art form, a lifestyle, a sport, and a cul