Common czech sayings

1. "Co se dlá, dobe se dlá." - What is worth doing is worth doing well.

2. "Kdo si hledá, najde." - He who seeks, finds.

3. "Kdo si počká, ten se dočká." - Patience is a virtue.

4. "Kdo se směje naposled, ten se směje nejlíp." - He who laughs last, laughs best.

5. "Kdo jinému jámu kopá, sám do ní padá." - He who digs a pit for others, falls into it himself.

6. "Kdo chce kam, musí šlapat." - If you want to go somewhere, you have to step.

7. "Kdo se bojí, nesmí do lesa." - He who is afraid must not go into the forest.

8. "Kdo nepracuje, ať nejí." - He who does not work, shall not eat.

9. "Kdo se narodí k šípu, nedostane se k obru." - He who is born to be an arrow, will not become a giant.

10. "Kdo se neptá, nic se nedozví." - He who does not ask, will not find out.

Above is Common czech sayings.

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