Common sayings hawaiian phrases

1. "Aloha kakahiaka" - Good morning

2. "Aloha au ia 'oe" - I love you

3. "Mahalo" - Thank you

4. "Ohana means family" - Family is everything

5. "E komo mai" - Welcome

6. "Pau hana" - Done with work

7. "Hana hou" - Let's do it again

8. "Malama pono" - Take care

9. "E hele me ka pu'olo" - Go with a bundle of food

10. "A hui hou" - Until we meet again

Above is Common sayings hawaiian phrases.

Boy t shirt sayings

1. Cool dude2. Future superhero3. Born to be wild4. Little dude, big attitude5. Mom's little man6. King of the playground7. Adventure awaits8. Too cool for school9. Champion in training10. I make this look easy

Krackel valentines sayings

1. You make my heart go krackel!2. You're the sweetest krackel in my life.3. I'm nuts about you, valentine!4. You're the perfect mix of sweet and crunchy.5. You're the krackel to my chocolate.6. You're a real gem, valentine!7. You're as irresistible as a krackel bar.8. You're the crun

Cute animal goodbye sayings

1. See you later, alligator!2. Catch you on the flip side, little butterfly!3. Take care, teddy bear!4. Stay sweet, little tweet!5. Adios, my little ladybug!6. Farewell, little snail!7. Until we meet again, my little friend!8. Bye-bye, little firefly!9. Keep shining, little starfish

Empress josephine sayings

1. I wish to be loved, not feared.2. A garden is a grand teacher. It teaches patience and careful watchfulness; it teaches industry and thrift; above all it teaches entire trust.3. I desire nothing, I fear nothing, I am free.4. I am not afraid of the darkness, for I know that even the darkest

Family tree roots sayings

1. A family tree with strong roots can weather any storm.2. The roots of a family tree are deep and strong, connecting generations past and present.3. The strength of a family tree lies in its roots, which anchor us in times of trouble.4. The roots of a family tree run deep, nourishing and su

Inspiration owl sayings

1. A wise old owl lived in an oak, the more he saw the less he spoke, the less he spoke the more he heard. Why can't we all be like that bird? - Unknown2. Owls are the wisest of all birds because they can see in the dark. - Unknown3. The owl is the wisest of all birds because it can see things

Best sayings to teach a driver

1. Drive as if your life depends on it, because it does.2. Don't let your phone be the last thing you see before you crash.3. Drive like your kids live here.4. The road is not a race track, slow down and enjoy the journey.5. Arrive alive, don't drink and drive.6. Keep your eyes on the roa

Make a stand similar sayings

1. Stand tall and stay strong.2. Take a stand and make a difference.3. Stand firm in your beliefs.4. Stand up for what you believe in.5. Make a stand and be heard.6. Stand your ground and don't back down.7. Take a stand for justice and equality.8. Stand united against injustice.9. S

Forbidden love sayings

1. Our love is a secret that must remain hidden, like a forbidden fruit.2. In the shadows of society, our love blooms, forbidden yet unyielding.3. We are two souls entwined in a love that society deems forbidden.4. Our love is a flame that burns bright in the darkness of society's disapproval

Chief wiggum sayings

1. I'm on the case! ...Unless I'm napping.2. I'm a good cop, but a terrible detective.3. Let's do this by the book...the book of hunches and wild guesses.4. Don't worry, folks, the police are here to protect and serve...donuts.5. I've got a gut feeling about this case...or maybe it's just i