Common sayings in colombia

1. "¡Qué pena contigo!" - "I'm sorry for you!"

2. "¡Qué chévere!" - "How cool!"

3. "¡No hay lora!" - "No problem!"

4. "¡Vamos a echarle ganas!" - "Let's give it our all!"

5. "¡Estoy en la olla!" - "I'm in trouble!"

6. "¡A otro perro con ese hueso!" - "Tell it to someone else!"

7. "¡A la orden!" - "At your service!"

8. "¡Más vale tarde que nunca!" - "Better late than never!"

9. "¡Estás en la luna!" - "You're daydreaming!"

10. "¡A papaya dada, no se le mira el hueso!" - "Don't look a gift horse in the mouth!"

Above is Common sayings in colombia.

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Coordination quotes and sayings

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