Common sayings in hawaiian

1. "Aloha kakahiaka" - Good morning

2. "Aloha 'auinalā" - Good afternoon

3. "Aloha ahiahi" - Good evening

4. "Mahalo" - Thank you

5. "A hui hou" - Until we meet again

6. "E komo mai" - Welcome

7. "Malama pono" - Take care

8. "Pau hana" - Finished work, end of the day

9. "Ohana" - Family

10. "E hele me ka pono" - Go with righteousness

Above is Common sayings in hawaiian.

Birthday sayings for a 4 year old

1. Four years old and so much fun, your birthday is here, let's all run!2. Happy 4th birthday to a special little one, may your day be filled with laughter and fun!3. Four candles on your cake, four years of joy you'll make!4. Turning four is such a treat, let's celebrate with lots of sweets!

Sayings about butterflies and change

1. Just when the caterpillar thought the world was over, it became a butterfly.2. Embrace change like a butterfly embraces the wind.3. Butterflies remind us that change is beautiful.4. Change is the essence of life, just like the transformation of a caterpillar into a butterfly.5. Like a bu

Beautiful breastfeeding sayings

1. Breastfeeding is a mother's gift to herself, her baby, and the earth. 2. Breastfeeding is a mother's love made visible. 3. Breastfeeding is a natural art that connects mother and baby in a beautiful way. 4. Breastfeeding is not just about nourishing the body, but also nurturing the soul.

Grilled cheese sayings

1. Life is like a grilled cheese sandwich, the more cheese the better.2. A grilled cheese sandwich is like a hug from the inside.3. In a world full of sandwiches, be a grilled cheese.4. Grilled cheese: the ultimate comfort food.5. Cheese, bread, and butter - the holy trinity of grilled chee

Thank you allah quotes and sayings

1. Allah is the best listener. You don't need to shout nor cry out loud because He hears even the very silent prayer of a sincere heart.2. Trust Allah when things don't work out the way you wanted. Allah has something better planned for you.3. When you have nothing left except Allah, then you f

Sayings for sympathy card

1. May the love of those around you provide comfort and peace during this difficult time.2. Thinking of you and sending heartfelt condolences during this time of sorrow.3. Wishing you strength and solace as you navigate through this period of loss.4. May cherished memories bring you comfort a

Funny made up sayings

1. As confused as a cat in a room full of rocking chairs.2. As useful as a chocolate teapot.3. As lost as a needle in a haystack wearing camouflage.4. As clumsy as a bull in a china shop.5. As happy as a clam at high tide.6. As slow as molasses in January.7. As stubborn as a mule with a

Computer technology quotes and sayings

1. The good news about computers is that they do what you tell them to do. The bad news is that they do what you tell them to do. - Ted Nelson2. The computer was born to solve problems that did not exist before. - Bill Gates3. To err is human, but to really foul things up you need a computer.

Quebec catholic sayings

1. Que la paix soit avec toi - May peace be with you2. Aide-toi et le ciel t'aidera - Help yourself and heaven will help you3. Dieu voit tout - God sees everything4. Avec la foi, tout est possible - With faith, everything is possible5. La patience est une vertu - Patience is a vir

Data entry sayings

1. Garbage in, garbage out.2. The devil is in the details.3. Accuracy is key.4. Measure twice, cut once.5. The pen is mightier than the sword.6. Quality over quantity.7. A stitch in time saves nine.8. Practice makes perfect.9. Don't cry over spilled milk.10. Every cloud has a silv