Serbian war sayings

1. "Ko se zadnji smeje, najslađe se smeje." (He who laughs last, laughs best.)

2. "Nema predaje!" (No surrender!)

3. "Ko ne voli svoju zemlju, ne voli ni sebe." (He who does not love his country, does not love himself.)

4. "Samo hrabri prežive." (Only the brave survive.)

5. "Bolje rat nego pakt." (Better war than a pact.)

6. "Nema straha, samo hrabrosti." (No fear, only courage.)

7. "Ko ne rizikuje, ne pije šampanjac." (He who does not take risks, does not drink champagne.)

8. "Krvava zemlja, slobodna zemlja." (Bloody land, free land.)

9. "Nikad ne odustaj, nikad ne posustaj." (Never give up, never falter.)

10. "Sloboda ili smrt!" (Freedom or death!)

Above is Serbian war sayings.

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