Common weather sayings

1. "Red sky at night, sailor's delight. Red sky in morning, sailor's warning."

2. "April showers bring May flowers."

3. "When it rains, it pours."

4. "Every cloud has a silver lining."

5. "Clear moon, frost soon."

6. "Rain before seven, clear by eleven."

7. "Sunshine and showers."

8. "A rainbow in the morning gives you fair warning."

9. "A sunshower means the devil is beating his wife."

10. "If the oak before the ash, then we'll only have a splash. If the ash before the oak, then we'll surely have a soak."

Above is Common weather sayings.

Funny sayings about education

1. Education is important, but coffee is importanter.2. I have a degree in procrastination.3. I'm not a doctor, but I have a PhD in making bad decisions.4. I'm not saying I'm a genius, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night.5. I have a master's degree in overthinking.6. I may

Sibling sayings

1. Blood is thicker than water.2. Brothers and sisters are as close as hands and feet.3. Siblings are the people we practice on, the people who teach us about fairness and cooperation and kindness and caring - quite often the hard way.4. Siblings: children of the same parents, each of whom is

Sad old sayings

1. The road to hell is paved with good intentions.2. You can't teach an old dog new tricks.3. Better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.4. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.5. You can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear.6. All good things must come to an end.

Variety quotes sayings

1. Variety is the spice of life. - William Cowper2. In diversity there is beauty and there is strength. - Maya Angelou3. Embrace the glorious mess that you are. - Elizabeth Gilbert4. Life is a collection of moments, each one a different shade of emotion. - Unknown5. Variety is the very spic

Inspirational sayings for 50yo

1. Life begins at 50, so embrace the wisdom and experience that comes with it.2. Age is just a number, it's never too late to chase your dreams.3. You are halfway to a century, but you are just getting started.4. The best is yet to come, keep moving forward with confidence and determination.

Russian sayings officers always get shot in the back

This saying in Russian is: Офицеров всегда стреляют в спину (Ofitserov vsegda strelyayut v spinu).

Appreciation twizzler sayings

1. You're the twist to my twizzler.2. Twizzler love is sweet and long-lasting.3. Life is better with twizzlers, just like it's better with you.4. Twizzlers are red, violets are blue, you're the sweetest thing, and that's true.5. Twizzlers and you, a perfect match made in candy heaven.6. T

Hypnopaedia sayings in brave new world

In Aldous Huxley's novel Brave New World, hypnopaedia is a form of sleep-teaching used to indoctrinate citizens with the values and beliefs of the World State. Some of the hypnopaedic sayings in the novel include:1. Ending is better than mending.2. A gramme is better than a damn.3. Everyone b

Greek sayings about god

1. Ο Θεός βοηθάει τους τολμηρούς. (God helps the bold.)2. Ο Θεός βοηθάει τον εργάτη. (God helps the worker.)3. Ο Θεός δεν κοιμάται. (God never sleeps.)4. Ο Θεός βλέπει και παρακολουθεί. (God sees and watches over.)5. Ο Θεός δίνει, αλλά δεν χρειάζεται να παίρνει. (God gives, but does not ne

Sayings like that's how the cookie crumbles

1. It is what it is.2. That's the way the ball bounces.3. Such is life.4. That's the nature of the beast.5. That's the way the wind blows.6. That's the luck of the draw.7. That's just the way things go.8. That's the breaks.9. That's the rub.10. That's the way the mop flops.