Sayings about being scared to let someone in

1. "Opening up to someone new is like stepping into the unknown, it's scary but it could lead to something beautiful."

2. "Fear of letting someone in is just a barrier to experiencing deep connections and true intimacy."

3. "Sometimes the fear of letting someone in is a sign that they might be worth the risk."

4. "Vulnerability is terrifying, but it's also the key to forming meaningful relationships."

5. "Guarding your heart may protect you from pain, but it also prevents you from experiencing love."

6. "Letting someone in means giving them the power to hurt you, but it also gives them the power to heal you."

7. "The walls we build to protect ourselves can also keep out the love and support we need."

8. "Being scared to let someone in is natural, but don't let fear rob you of the chance to connect with someone who could change your life."

9. "True strength lies in being able to open up and be vulnerable, even when it's terrifying."

10. "Don't let the fear of being hurt stop you from experiencing the joy of being loved."

Above is Sayings about being scared to let someone in.

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