Compass tattoo sayings

1. "Find your true north"

2. "Navigate your own path"

3. "Stay on course"

4. "Follow your heart, but take your compass with you"

5. "Adventure awaits"

6. "Let your compass guide you"

7. "Embrace the journey"

8. "Explore, dream, discover"

9. "Seek adventure"

10. "Stay wild, stay true"

Above is Compass tattoo sayings.

Controlling behaviour sayings

1. You can't control how others behave, but you can control how you respond.2. You can't change someone else's behavior, but you can change how you react to it.3. The only behavior you can control is your own.4. Don't let someone else's behavior dictate your own.5. You have the power to cho

Clever sayings beer carts black and white

Life is too short to drink bad beer from a black and white cart.

Old.southern sayings

1. Bless your heart - Often used as a polite way to express sympathy or pity.2. Well, butter my biscuit - Used to express surprise or disbelief.3. I reckon - Used instead of I think or I suppose.4. Like a cat on a hot tin roof - Describes someone who is nervous or agitated.5. Happy as a

Wisdom old age sayings

1. With age comes wisdom.2. Old age is not a burden, but a crown of honor.3. The older the fiddler, the sweeter the tune.4. Aging is not lost youth but a new stage of opportunity and strength.5. Youth is the gift of nature, but age is a work of art.6. Age is a matter of feeling, not of ye

Grief sayings proverbs

1. Grief is the price we pay for love. - Queen Elizabeth II2. Grief is the last act of love we have to give to those we loved. Where there is deep grief, there was great love. - Unknown3. The pain of grief is just as much part of life as the joy of love; it is perhaps the price we pay for love,

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Simpler than using Reddit.

Confusing love quotes and sayings

1. Love is like a rollercoaster, full of ups and downs, twists and turns, and occasional moments of nausea.2. Love is a battlefield, where the casualties are hearts and the weapons are kisses.3. Love is like a puzzle, sometimes the pieces fit perfectly together, and other times you're left with

Clever anti smoking sayings

1. Don't let cigarettes be the butt of your jokes, quit smoking.2. Smoking may be cool, but quitting is even cooler.3. Inhale the future, exhale the past - quit smoking.4. Smoking is like paying someone to kill you. Quit before it's too late.5. Smoking is not a fashion statement, it's a dea

Pet sayings family

1. A house is not a home without a pet.2. Pets are family members with fur.3. Love is a four-legged word.4. Pets leave paw prints on our hearts.5. In this house, we are all a little bit furry.6. Life is better with a furry friend by your side.7. Home is where the pet is.8. Pets are no

Aa sayings make the best next choice

Actions speak louder than words.