Coping with death sayings

1. "Grief is the price we pay for love." - Queen Elizabeth II

2. "Those we love don't go away, they walk beside us every day." - Unknown

3. "The pain of grief is just as much part of life as the joy of love; it is perhaps the price we pay for love, the cost of commitment." - Colin Murray Parkes

4. "What we have once enjoyed we can never lose. All that we love deeply becomes a part of us." - Helen Keller

5. "Grief is the last act of love we have to give to those we loved. Where there is deep grief, there was great love." - Unknown

6. "Although it's difficult today to see beyond the sorrow, may looking back in memory help comfort you tomorrow." - Unknown

7. "The reality is that you will grieve forever. You will not 'get over' the loss of a loved one; you will learn to live with it. You will heal and you will rebuild yourself around the loss you have suffered." - Elisabeth Kubler-Ross

8. "To live in hearts we leave behind is not to die." - Thomas Campbell

9. "The pain passes, but the beauty remains." - Pierre Auguste Renoir

10. "The only way to get through grief is to go through it." - Robert Frost

Above is Coping with death sayings.

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