Country sayings about february

1. "In February, if thou hearest thunder, thou wilt see a summer wonder."

2. "February fill dyke, be it black or be it white; but if it be white, it's the better to like."

3. "February brings the snow, makes our feet and fingers glow."

4. "February is the shortest month, but the longest in the memory."

5. "As February goes, so goes the year."

6. "February is the bridge between winter and spring."

7. "February is the month of love, but also the month of cold and snow."

8. "In February, the days are getting longer, but the cold is still strong."

9. "February is the month of patience, as we wait for the warmth of spring."

10. "February is a time for reflection, as we prepare for the changes ahead."

Above is Country sayings about february.

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