Country terms and sayings

Sure, here are some country terms and sayings commonly used in rural areas:

1. "Bless your heart" - a polite way of expressing sympathy or understanding.

2. "Fixin' to" - getting ready to do something.

3. "Yonder" - a way of indicating a distant location.

4. "Holler" - a loud shout or call.

5. "Cattywampus" - something that is askew or not quite right.

6. "Tarnation" - a mild expletive used to express frustration or surprise.

7. "Two peas in a pod" - two people who are very similar or close.

8. "Ain't got a pot to piss in" - to be very poor or destitute.

9. "Bless your cotton-pickin' heart" - a more emphatic way of expressing sympathy or understanding.

10. "Like a chicken with its head cut off" - to be in a state of confusion or panic.

Above is Country terms and sayings.

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I love you sayings and images

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Old idioms sayings and

1. A penny for your thoughts - This idiom is used to ask someone what they are thinking about or to prompt them to share their thoughts or opinions.2. Actions speak louder than words - This saying emphasizes that what a person does is more important than what they say.3. Bite the bullet - This