Covid 19 church sign sayings

1. "Faith over fear: Trust in God's plan during this pandemic."

2. "Pray for healing and protection for all those affected by COVID-19."

3. "Even in times of uncertainty, God's love remains constant."

4. "Let us be a beacon of hope and support for our community during this challenging time."

5. "In the midst of the storm, find peace in God's presence."

6. "Together in spirit, even when we must be physically apart."

7. "God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble."

8. "Let us be the hands and feet of Jesus by serving those in need during this crisis."

9. "In God's hands, we find comfort and strength to face any challenge."

10. "Pray without ceasing for an end to this pandemic and for the healing of our world."

Above is Covid 19 church sign sayings.

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