Covid chalkboard sayings

1. "Together apart, we'll get through this."

2. "Spread love, not germs."

3. "In this together, six feet apart."

4. "Mask up for safety."

5. "Kindness is contagious, spread it around."

6. "Stay positive, test negative."

7. "We're all in this together."

8. "Flatten the curve, not the spirit."

9. "Wash your hands, save lives."

10. "This too shall pass."

Above is Covid chalkboard sayings.

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Gonk sayings

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Quotes and sayings about selfies

1. Selfie: a self-portrait photograph, typically taken with a smartphone and shared on social media. - Unknown2. A selfie a day keeps the insecurities away. - Unknown3. Selfie game strong. - Unknown4. Life is better when you're laughing... and taking selfies. - Unknown5. Selfie queen/king.