Cowboy slogans sayings

1. "Ride hard, shoot straight, and never look back."

2. "Live by the code of the West, die with your boots on."

3. "A cowboy's word is his bond."

4. "Keep your eyes on the horizon and your heart in the saddle."

5. "Don't squat with your spurs on."

6. "The only thing a cowboy should ever quit is quitting."

7. "When the going gets tough, the tough get riding."

8. "A cowboy's courage is stronger than steel."

9. "Ride tall in the saddle and hold your head high."

10. "In the land of the cowboy, the sun never sets on honor."

Above is Cowboy slogans sayings.

Bird idioms and sayings

1. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush - This means that it is better to hold onto something you already have than to risk losing it by trying to get something better.2. Like a bird in a gilded cage - This refers to someone who is living in luxury or comfort but is still restricted in so

Romantic fortune cookie sayings about love

1. Love is the greatest adventure of all.2. In the game of love, you are my winning hand.3. With you, every moment is a love story waiting to be written.4. Love is the key that unlocks the door to happiness.5. In your eyes, I see the reflection of my soul.6. Love is not just a feeling, it

Short christian christmas sayings

1. Jesus is the reason for the season.2. Peace on earth, goodwill to all.3. Rejoice in the birth of our Savior.4. Let your light shine this Christmas.5. God's greatest gift was born in a manger.6. Emmanuel, God with us.7. Wise men still seek Him.8. The best gift is the one we already

Dr seuss sayings about school

1. You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose.2. The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go.3. You're off to great places! Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting,

Going away sayings

1. Goodbye for now, but not forever.2. Until we meet again, take care.3. Farewell, my friend. Safe travels.4. Parting is such sweet sorrow.5. May the road rise up to meet you on your journey.6. Wishing you smooth sailing and fair winds.7. Leaving is never easy, but it's not goodbye, jus

Sunday school sayings

1. Jesus loves me, this I know, for the Bible tells me so.2. Let your light shine before others.3. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.4. God is good all the time, and all the time God is good.5. Trust in the Lord with all your heart.6. Love your neighbor as yourself.7. Go

Friendship sayings to do with sweets

1. Friendship is as sweet as candy.2. Friends are like chocolate, sweet and comforting.3. Life is sweeter with friends by your side.4. A true friend is like a sweet treat, always there to brighten your day.5. Friendship is the icing on the cake of life.6. Friends are the sprinkles on the

Queen's sayings

1. I am not a princess, I don't need saving. I am a queen, I got this.2. A queen knows how to build her empire with the same stones that were thrown at her.3. Queens don't compete with peasants.4. I am a queen, and I demand to be treated as such.5. A queen never leaves her throne to address

Fall sayings for signs funny

1. Falling for you...literally!2. Autumn leaves and pumpkin please.3. I'm just here for the pumpkin spice.4. Sweater weather is better weather.5. I'm just here for the pie.6. Falling leaves, falling prices.7. Sorry, I'm all booked up with pumpkin spice appointments.8. Pumpkin everythi

Sayings of mirza ghalib

1. Dil hi to hai na sang-o-khisht dard se bhar na aaye kyun, royein ge hum hazaar baar, koi hamein sataaye kyun. (The heart is not made of stone and brick, why should it not ache with pain? We will cry a thousand times, why should someone torment us?)2. Hazaaron khwahishen aisi ke har khwahish pe