Napulitano sayings

1. "Chi tene 'o core 'e Napule, se ne va luntano."

Translation: "Who has the heart of Naples, goes far away."

2. "Ama e fa' quello che vuoi."

Translation: "Love and do what you want."

3. "Napule è mille culure."

Translation: "Naples is a thousand colors."

4. "Ogni scarrafone è bello a mamma soja."

Translation: "Every cockroach is beautiful to its mother."

5. "Cu 'a mala jurnata, s'adda fa' 'a sira."

Translation: "With a bad day, you have to make a good night."

6. "Napule è 'na carta sporca, ma 'o core è acciso."

Translation: "Naples is a dirty card, but the heart is pure."

7. "Chi dorme non piglia pesci."

Translation: "He who sleeps does not catch fish."

8. "Ama chi t'ama, e non chi ti sorride, perché chi ti sorride è un bravo attore, ma chi ti ama è il tuo migliore amico."

Translation: "Love those who love you, not those who smile at you, because those who smile at you are good actors, but those who love you are your best friends."

Above is Napulitano sayings.

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