Crazy aussie sayings

1. "He's got kangaroos loose in the top paddock" - meaning someone is a bit crazy or not all there mentally.

2. "Flat out like a lizard drinking" - meaning very busy or working hard.

3. "Mad as a cut snake" - meaning someone is very angry or upset.

4. "As useful as a chocolate teapot" - meaning something is completely useless.

5. "She'll be right, mate" - meaning everything will be okay or it will all work out in the end.

6. "Up a gum tree" - meaning in a difficult or tricky situation.

7. "Happy as Larry" - meaning extremely happy or content.

8. "Strewth!" - an expression of surprise or disbelief.

9. "Fair dinkum" - meaning genuine or true.

10. "As rare as rocking horse poo" - meaning something is extremely rare or hard to find.

Above is Crazy aussie sayings.

Cool 60's sayings

1. Groovy, man!2. Far out!3. Don't be a square.4. Right on!5. Peace and love, baby.6. Keep on truckin'.7. That's a gas!8. Let's blow this joint.9. Can you dig it?10. Don't flip your wig.

Dog grief sayings

1. Dogs leave paw prints on our hearts forever.2. Grief is the price we pay for love.3. Dogs may only be a part of our lives, but to them, we are their whole world.4. The pain of losing a dog is worth the joy they bring into our lives.5. Dogs may only be a part of our lives, but to them, we

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Funny crystal ball sayings

1. Outlook not so good, try shaking me harder.2. Ask again later, I'm on my coffee break.3. Signs point to you needing a nap.4. Reply hazy, ask again after you've had a snack.5. Better not tell you now, I'm feeling a little cloudy.6. Cannot predict now, I'm busy binge-watching Netflix.7.

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