Crazy old wise crack sayings

1. "You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it tap dance."

2. "If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen... or turn down the stove."

3. "A penny saved is a penny earned, but a dollar found in the couch cushions is a bonus."

4. "Don't count your chickens before they hatch, unless you're really good at math."

5. "The early bird gets the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese."

6. "When life gives you lemons, make sure to add some sugar and vodka."

7. "You can't teach an old dog new tricks, but you can teach a young dog to fetch you a beer."

8. "If at first you don't succeed, try, try again... or just give up and blame it on the cat."

9. "Don't put all your eggs in one basket, unless you're really good at juggling."

10. "It's better to be a smart donkey than a dumb unicorn."

Above is Crazy old wise crack sayings.

Betrayal sayings about

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Horse derby sayings

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Classic yorkshire sayings

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Bite marks sayings

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Class of 2005 reunion sayings

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Brick wall waterfall sayings

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