Creative wedding favor sayings

1. "Love is sweet, so enjoy this treat!"

2. "Thanks for being a part of our love story. Take a little piece of it home with you."

3. "Our love is the perfect blend, just like this favor. Enjoy!"

4. "Love is the best favor of all. But here's a little something to remember us by."

5. "Plant a seed of love and watch it grow, just like our marriage. Thank you for celebrating with us."

6. "Love is the key to happiness. Take this keychain as a reminder of our special day."

7. "As our love continues to bloom, take home a little piece of our wedding day."

8. "Thanks for helping us tie the knot. Enjoy this sweet treat!"

9. "Love is the best gift of all, but here's a little something to show our appreciation."

10. "May your love be as strong as our marriage. Enjoy this little token of our gratitude."

Above is Creative wedding favor sayings.

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